Fosters and Partners and the Arup Group Limited have initiated an industry led design forum specifically focusing on health and safety - the Health and Safety Design Forum (London)
As leaders in their fields they recognise the importance of health and safety as an integral part of their design work and wish to promote exchange of information, share good practice and provide innovative ways to improve the management of health and safety by designers in the London Area.
The forum is in its early stages at the moment, but has received positive verbal support so far from the Health and Safety Executive (HSE), Construction Confederation (CF), Association of Consulting Engineers (ACE), the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) and the Construction Industry Council (CIC).
Membership of the forum is being considered and is likely to consist of a broad spectrum of 'designers' as covered under the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations (CDM).
The forum will be initially of a small size until it has the commitment and resources from its members to grow.
Fosters and Arup are also responding to the Construction Summit of February 2001 in developing the forum as a vehicle to respond to some of the agenda actions.
If you are interested in contributing or need more details these can be obtained from the Fosters or Arup Press offices in London. Alternatively we will be holding an introduction meeting on Thursday 28th March 2002 at 12.30pm pm at the RIBAs coffee shop in London.
Why the forum?
To proactively improve the management of health and safety by design.
To contribute to the Construction Summit.
To share knowledge and encapsulate lessons learnt across the design section of industry.
To introduce and promote new and innovative ways of working.
To contribute to educating and training designers in managing health and safety.
Is it exclusive?
No, but potential members will need to meet set criteria before the forum accepts them, key issues may include - having similar aspirational values, having high standards of health and safety, being able to commit time and resources to make the forum work.
Why only London?
We have to start somewhere, and at this stage have limited resources; we want to get it right first time as opposed to trying to take on too much. In time we do envisage that a blueprint of the forum may be adopted by like minded firms and individuals for other cities and even internationally.
How many members?
The maximum we will be looking for at the moment will be a core of 12-15 members, which may grow in time, with revolving membership and attendance as time goes on and resources grow.
Who vets members?
Initially Fosters and Arup jointly and then as the forum is populated the other members - i.e. the core group of 12-15 who will in time set up a more formalised structure with accountability/responsibilities. Secretariat will initially provided by Fosters and Arup and then by other members following population.
Are HSE involved?
Yes. They will not be driving this forum, it will be Industry driven and led by designers in the broadest sense. HSE have indicated an interest in observing and contributing to the forum as appropriate.
What do the ACE, HSE, RIBA and the CIC think of this?
We have received positive responses from the ACE, RIBA,HSE and the CIC who think the forum is a good idea.
The CDM Regulations have been in place for 7 years. Why a forum for designers now?
Many of us have been delivering safety by design and promoting standards, such as those embodied in the CIRIA 166 designers handbook for some time now. However both Fosters and Arup recognise that our industry can do better in playing our part in helping to eliminate accidents and ill health by design, and this forum is a timely vehicle to contribute to the Action Plans arising from the Construction Summit.
What are the next steps?
We will have our first meeting with the members already identified and set about organising the details of running the forum.
Where can we get more information?
Harriett Ryan
Arup Group Ltd
13 Fitzroy Street
Tel: 0207-755-3073